Commercial real estate

Buy it -
fix it -
hold it

Immobilieninvestor aus dem
Rhein-Main Gebiet
Your reliable partner for long-term real estate investments
R&K Immobilien Group successfully combines project development and investment in all phases of the value chain.
It is our goal to offer people affordable housing and thus quality of life. We therefore focus on the continuous improvement of our work. As a result we are able to provide affordable rental housing to people even in expensive areas. In addition to rental and management we also provide technical service to our properties which allows us to ensure high quality standards. Whenever there is a change of tenant, we subject the apartment to a careful inspection to determine the extent to which modernization might be appropriate and necessary. Our internal real estate service takes care of the common spaces at our own properties guaranteeing an attractive living environment.
From our location in Bruchsal, we mainly realize projects in the residential sector in the Rhine-Main area / Southern Germany. With regard to our investment strategy, we have placed our focus on B and C locations, nationwide.
As a specialist in high quality multi-family real estate investments we cooperate with family offices, foundations and banks as well as institutional investors.

Residential Real Estate
We invest nationwide in residential properties in B, C and D locations, especially in the value-add sector. Over the years, we have gained special expertise in revitalizing and creating new space in existing properties.

Commercial real estate
Our investment focus is on properties with parceled areas and a large number of tenants, especially in the southern part of Germany. In the case of investments in retail parks with well-known tenants, we invest nationwide.

Project development
Our focus is on the residential sector, nationwide. Within our group, we are able to cover the entire planning phase as well as large parts of the interior construction trades. In addition to maximum flexibility, this also enables us to achieve a high degree of added value and cost efficiency.
R&K auf einen Blick
We develop and rent affordable housing in economically strong locations

We are conscious of our social responsibility
As a provider of housing, we see it as our duty to offer modern living space with a good technical standard and convincing service.

We build affordable housing
Our housing offers are based on the average rent in the corresponding district and, if available, on the corresponding rent price indexes.

We constantly modernize our apartments
Whenever a tenant changes, we subject the apartment to a careful examination as to what extent modernization might be appropriate and necessary.
We act with a long-term orientation...
...as a responsible partners with the aim of offering people high-quality but affordable housing in economically strong locations. For us, tenants are customers to whom we want to offer a high quality of living together with a high quality of service in matters relating to their living space. We achieve this primarily through our high level of value creation with our own craftsmen and our own property management.

Philipp Ritz
Managing partner
Reference projects
R&K Group of Companies
Wir legen einen hohen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit, wir führen daher laufend energetische Sanierungen durch, speziell der Austausch der Heizungsanlagen hin zu regenerativen Energiequelle und die Reduktion des Gebäudeemissionswert stehen für uns dabei im Vordergrund. Des Weiteren zielen unsere Maßnahmen immer auf die Erhaltung und Revitalisierung der bestehenden Bausubstanz anstelle des Abrisses und Neubaus.
Affordable housing
Wir legen viel Wert auf die Schaffung von bezahlbarem Wohnraum in guten Wohnlagen. Durch unseren Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit liegt unser Bestreben vor Allem in der bestmöglichen Nutzung der bestehenden Bausubstanz, hierdurch können wir oftmals Kostenvorteile erzielen.
Owner-managed company
Die R&K Gruppe ist in der Lage als inhabergeführtes Unternehmen langfriste Investmentchance jeglicher Art zu nutzen.
Vertically integrated business model
We are vertically integrated along the entire process via our internal property management and craftsmen
Long-term investment focus
Wir denken in Jahrzenten nicht in Jahren, Investitionen müssen sich bei uns langfristig lohnen, wir lassen uns nicht von kurzfristigen Trends und Marktchancen treiben.
We give great importance to sustainability and invest continuously in the energy efficiency of our buildings. In particular, we focus on the replacement of heating systems with renewable energy sources and the reduction of building emissions. Furthermore, our measures always aim at the preservation and revitalization of the existing building substance instead of demolition and new construction.
Owner-managed company
As an owner-managed company, the R&K Group is in a position to take advantage of long-term investment opportunities.
Long-term investment focus
We think in terms of decades, not years, as investments must be worthwhile for us in the long term and we do not allow ourselves to be driven by short-term trends and market opportunities.
Affordable housing
We place a lot of emphasis on creating affordable housing in good residential locations. Due to our focus on sustainability, our efforts lie primarily in making the best possible use of the existing building substance which also allows us to achieve cost advantages.
Vertically integrated business model
We are vertically integrated along the entire process via our internal property management and craftsmen